Umatilla county Pioneer's Association
Weston, Oregon
May 28, 1892
The Pioneer Association met at the United Brethren Church and after several speeches the Association proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year. William Steen was elected President; Ira J. Crofutt, Vice-President; Frank J. Van Winkle, Secretary and Treasurer. Following is an excerpt from the Constitution of the Association.
The Society shall be known as the Oregon Pioneer Association of Umatilla County. (Later changed to the above)
The object of this society shall be to extend acquaintance and to preserve the good will and recollections of the pioneers by means of reunions and otherwise.
The Association shall meet annually in Umatilla County and the Executive Committee provided for in Article V, Section III of this constitution shall select the place of meeting.
Any person born on the Pacific Coast prior to October 10th, 1869 - or- who emigrated to the West prior to the completion of the Pacific Railroad on that date, may have his or her name enrolled on the register and be entitled to the privileges of membership.